Have you ever asked yourself this question? What if you had NO ONE in the world - no living family - no relatives - no history that you knew of... how would you find your way? Who would show you how to be a man? How to be a woman? How to negotiate relationships? How to handle conflict?
There are so many aspects of having a family network that we take forgranted, and even wish we could live without. But for the over 2 million orphaned children in the nation of Tanzania, this is reality - not one living relative. No one.
Kids for Change: Tanzania is a fundraiser designed to help fill the gap that exists for these children. By teaching valuable life skills, communication, conflict resolution, and self esteem, we hope to assist the children in the daunting task of growing up in a world where they will be 100% responsible for determining their future outcomes. There are over 5 million Tanzanian children out of school due to a tremendous shortage of schools and poverty. The average adult wage in Tanzania is $1 per day - many children are forced into child labour because of dire need.
Our long term vision is to help provide sustainable education that will keep as many orphans in school until at least the completion of their secondary studies, and to build a scholarship fund so that as many of them as possible can attend post secondary school in order to guarantee a viable future.
Our first annual fundraiser takes place on April 15th - BE THERE! Held at White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa, this will be a celebration of African and African-Canadian culture, with silent auction, dessert auction, and a live auction of luxury items. Come on out and support this worthy cause! 100% of proceeds from the event will go directly to the needs of Day Spring Orphanage in Morogoro, Tanzania.
Sponsored by:
Leverage U
White Oaks Conference Resort and Spa
First Fridays (Toronto)
Event Planner: Spotlight Events 1-647-882-9497
Stay tuned for information on our great prizes and auction items to be won!