Myths about Anger - A thread
Tradition says that anger is what we see, and it is a mask for more "primary" emotions that lie beneath the surface. This is not true! Anger is, in fact, a basic emotion that emerges as early as the first year of life. The reality is that anger is NOT what we see. We see scowling, grimacing, we hear yelling or swearing, we hear verbal abuse, we see doors slamming, erratic driving, or aggressive, intimidating actions. What we SEE is behavior.
I have found the myth that anger is behavior to be the most widely
believed in our society.
It is what I
call a “foundational” belief, because almost every other myth that exists about
anger rests upon this first one. It is
imperative that we go right to the heart of the matter and change this
foundational belief. Once this myth is
dispelled, the other myths will melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West.