Thursday, June 01, 2023

Never Negotiate Who You Are - Brene Brown

View Julie Christiansen's profile on LinkedIn
I came across this video and it really resonated. How do we enter into negotiations in business, family, or community and maintain our sense of self? What does it mean when people say they have 'trust issues'? How do we communicate with others the factors that impede our ability to trust them? This video provides clear insight with measurable factors that will contribute to improving your trust factor.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Maybe it wasn't meant for you.

View Julie Christiansen's profile on LinkedIn

Sometimes the things you want so desperately pass you by. Sometimes you get DENIED when what you really want is permission. But never forget that man's rejection is God's protection. Have no fear! Your time is coming.

#motivation #rejection #protection #staythecourse #keepcalmandcarryon #itwasntyours

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Anger Myth #3 Anger Should Be Controlled

View Julie Christiansen's profile on LinkedIn

If anger is an emotion, then it follows that we should be free to express our anger as freely as we express our other basic emotions.  No one thinks it odd that humans express their happiness, sadness or fear.  Yet the popular belief remains that anger if expressed can only lead to “bad things”.  In my seminars I have heard it explained this way, “Anger is dangerous…”, “Anger is sinful…”, “Showing your anger doesn’t help you in the end…”  Think about this: unexpressed anger has its repercussions as well.  Not expressing anger can hold far more consequences for the angry person in the way of ongoing emotional problems as a result of the unresolved feelings.  We also know that unresolved, unexpressed anger can lead to a wide range of physical problems such as ulcers, high blood pressure, migraines, heart disease and stroke, to name only a few.

If you're ready to learn more about anger, why not grab a copy of my book, Anger Solutions: Proven Strategies for Resolving Anger and Taking Control of Your Emotions! Your transformation is within reach!