Posted By PETER DOWNS , STANDARD STAFF to http://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1517574&auth=PETER%20DOWNS%20,%20STANDARD%20STAFF
Posted 4 hours ago
A record 45 nominees from across Niagara are up for YWCA Women of Distinction Awards this year.
The women were honoured Wednesday night for their diverse contributions as they were introduced to the public during a reception at Market Square in St. Catharines.
"The calibre of the nominees is very high," said Elisabeth Zimmermann, YWCA Niagara Region's executive director. "They're all really strong women who've had huge impacts on our community."
The group includes 28 nominees for Women of Distinction Awards in seven categories and 17 nominees in three categories for the Vicky Hull Young Women of Distinction Awards.
Panels comprised of community members selected award recipients in each category.
"It's a tough choice with so many women being nominated, but it truly is the community that makes that decision," Zimmermann said.
The YWCA will also present a special posthumous award to honour the late Suzanne Aucoin of St. Catharines at its Women of Distinction gala next month. Aucoin, 37, who died in November 2007 after a long battle with cancer, will be recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her efforts as an outspoken health-care advocate.
Women of Distinction Awards are handed out by YWCA branches across Canada to pay tribute to women who have distinguished themselves through accomplishments in numerous areas, ranging from the arts, to public service and entrepreneurship.
The awards will be presented May 7 at John Michael's Banquet Centre in Thorold. The gala raises funds to support core programs run by the YWCA.
More information about tickets, which are $80 each, is available by calling the YWCA Niagara Region at 905-988- 3528, ext. 246.
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YWCA Women of Distinction 2009 nominees:
Arts and Culture: Rosemary Drage Hale, Stella Crouch, Barbara Lanneval and Nina Stahlschmidt.
Education, Training and Development: Julie Christiansen, Dianne Bolton, June Corman and Judy Reid.
Health and Wellness: Mary Mach, Adrienne Jugley, Tina Breton and Beth Schulz.
Public Affairs and Communication: Lynn Ogryzlo and Susan Howard-Azzeh.
Public and Community Service: Marlene DeRose, Julie Dennis, Dale Davis, Nadine Wallace, Karen Whaley, Hazel Reinhart, Frances Owen, Sharon Pazzaglia and Debbie Senft.
Science and Technology: Jane Hanlon, Teena Willoughby and Linda Crago.
Trades, Profession and Entrepreneurship: Reni deVerteuil and Janet Allan.
Vicky Hull Young Women of Distinction 2009 Nominees:
Arts and Culture: Lindsey Middleton, Robyn Arsenault, Kathryn McIntyre and Nelly Weaver.
Community Service: Ashley McGuire, Laura Skellet, Maureen Fast, Laurel Walsh and Devin Kelsey Rankin.
Sports, Recreation and Leisure: Nicole Rosenkranz, Kyra Reilly, Sarah Arts, Rebecca Bauer, Merranda Termaat, Sara Wikston, Bianca Kozlowski and Genna Kalvaitis.
Article ID# 1517574