This is your last opportunity to register for the Fall iteration of Anger Solutions Train the Trainer course. Click on the photo to enlarge it - right click and "Save Target As..." to your computer so you can print it out. This course is designed for group facilitators who are looking for cost-effective training that has teeth and longevity. Teeth - because this program works. The documented success rate for Anger Solutions grads (those who complete the group or individual coaching) has never dipped below 80% in 12 years - this far surpasses any other anger "management" program on the market. Longevity - because as a Certified Trainer, you can train other staff in your agency as well as in your community; thereby ensuring the program's lifespan within your agency. No more worries about high turnover, a sick facilitator, scheduling problems, or lateral moves within the organization. With several of your staff trained by you in AS, someone will always be available to jump in. Call 1-866-754-6169 TODAY to get registered!