So here's a story of a young man who was taking anger management classes for a domestic incident with his sister, and while learning how to manage his anger, punches his four-month pregnant girlfriend in the mouth, then kicks her in the stomach because she wouldn't watch tv or use her phone. Here's the link:
http://www.fox41.com/story/14333312/man-charged-with-fetal-homicide-after-fatal-kick So I read this, and I'm thinking... Seriously? He tried to kill her baby because she wouldn't watch tv? That does not sound like an "anger management" problem - this person sounds like someone with severe frustration intolerance, poor impulse control, and a need to control others in his environment (likely because he cannot control himself). Again, I plead with judges and district attorneys all over North America - please, please stop sending control junkies like this man to "anger management" thinking that it will make a difference! Their problem is not anger - it is their desire to control the people around them through the use of intimidation and violence. So please, do all of us who work in the area of anger a favour. Stop acting like anger management can "fix" people who don't even know they are broken. We don't fix people. We don't cure people. Anger, by the way, is not a disease and doesn't need curing. We can only teach people how to make better decisions when they are feeling angry. When people like Ruben Anthony beat on their so-called loved ones, it's not anger. It's abuse. Send them to programs that specifically address spousal or partner assault. How many more times does this have to happen before you get it? Stop giving out band aids for gunshot wounds. Stop it. Now.