- Great mentors. I had the awesome privilege of meeting and working with some amazing people who mentored me through the process of creating positive, lasting change in my
own life: Gerry Visca, Jack Canfield, Paul Copcutt, Lisa Nichols, Richard Elmes, and John Assaraf. I must also credit my pastors, Ken Pollard and Steve Barber for their positive influence on both my spiritual and business growth. Now mentors are great - coaches are wonderful. But their advice only works if you IMPLEMENT it. Lesson learned: Knowledge acquired is useless unless it is APPLIED.
- A wonderful support system. There were times during this last 12 month period when I felt completely lost. Despite the help of great mentors and a clear vision of my goals, my emotional baggage often got in the way of me doing what was necessary to realize my own success. Now, remember my mom passed away in February of 2007 and I did not grieve
for her all at once - in fact, I think I did my grieving in spurts - that is until about December of last year, when it all came to a head. The work that I had to do emotionally as fallout from my mom's passing took time and the support of good friends. You know as well as I do, that any kind of emotional self-work takes time and support. So my thanks go out to my family, my husband Steve, my children (Cayla, Dylan and Thomas), Tom Caswell, Sandi Harmer, Tracey Turavani, Ivana Frajdenfeld, Shane Flannagan, Christine Eaton, and many others, who held my hand, made me laugh, prayed for me, reassured me, and even kicked my butt - always just at the right time. Lesson learned: It is OK to ask for help. When we turn people away in our time of need, we teach them to NOT help us. Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. It took me a long time to learn that - hopefully, you'll take my word for it.
- An accountability network. Much like a support system, an accountability network is invaluable if you want to achieve success. Accountability buddies remind you of the things
you said you would do, and make a point of asking you if you followed through. They help you to stay on track and in so doing, are your partners in success. My accountability network includes Lisa Nichols, my Rise and Shine Coach, my husband Steve, Carolyn Hoxie (thanks again, Carolyn!), Tom Caswell, and Tracey Turavani. You all have played a very valuable role in the successes that were achieved this year! Lesson learned: No matter how self-directed you are - it still helps to have someone to be accountable to. Without accountability it is too easy to slack off, to do something easier, to skip the tough stuff, and to just give up when the going gets tough. Even the best in the world have coaches - why shouldn't we?
- The last success booster I want to list here is my journal. Those of you who know me well know that I carry a journal with me everywhere I go. Notes from my meetings go in there. Rough records of my coaching sessions go in there too. Appointment dates and times; my crazy ideas - and the not so crazy ones; my brainstorming ideas, and my hopes and dreams all go into my journal. When I get a great idea, I jot it down. Sometimes it goes no further than that, and then other times, that fleeting notion becomes the next big thing for my business or for my personal life. Lesson learned: If your life is worth living - it is worth recording! I once heard it said that a dream is a wish until you write it down - then it is a goal. Write stuff down! Follow through on some of those great ideas - who knows where they might take you?
Just this year, I have begun sharing more of my goals with others - I used to keep them locked in a vault. I have found that sharing my dreams and goals with others inspires them to dream as well. Another great side effect of sharing my goals is that people have enlisted to help me achieve my dreams - no strings attached - just because they want to be inspired and to have a part in accomplishing something great. To me, that is true inspiration, and I am grateful for the opportunity to enable others to fulfill their personal aspirations as we travel this road together. Part of this incredible journey has led to the formation of a new company - one which I believe will continue to promote the values and principles that have been presented by BRC for the last 11 years. I also expect this new company to be the vehicle by which Anger Solutions and our family of exceptional life changing programs will be carried not just across Canada, but to the world. More on this will be revealed in the New Year, but suffice it to say that I am excited about the days to come and the strides we will continue to make in 2009.
What about you? Do you have some emotional self-work you know needs doing, but you need a little help? Are you in need of an accountabilty partner to give you a swift kick in the pants every now and again? Consider joining the first 2009 TransformED Coaching class starting Jan. 5th for 8 weeks. You can find out more by visiting our website: http://www.angersolution.com/transformed.php. This is an incredible way to start the year - especially if you have been sticking with the 80 Day Challenge so far - with gathered momentum to propel you into 2009 - so you can hit the ground running.
As this year and our current 80 Day Challenge both wind down to a close, my wish for you is your continued success in life, love, faith, health, and wealth.