took a course in Natural Health Fundamentals. It is important to me that I have as many resources possible to help clients who are struggling. One of the tools I discovered in my natural health exploration is GABA.
We are here to help you achieve RADICAL, POSITIVE, LASTING CHANGE. Read commentaries on current news items, and trends; receive helpful tips and insights for people seeking true transformation for their emotions ad behaviour.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Natural Solutions for Stress and Anxiety
took a course in Natural Health Fundamentals. It is important to me that I have as many resources possible to help clients who are struggling. One of the tools I discovered in my natural health exploration is GABA.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
When the Roads Get HOT: How to Deal with Road Rage
The Rise of Rage by Julie A. Christiansen
birthday. What should have been a 35 minute drive home turned into 2.5 hours of gridlock and delays due to traffic, construction, and poor navigation choices.
It was a perfect opportunity to see road rage at work, yet there were no angry outbursts, no dangerous or aggressive drivers in sight. Given that road rage is such a HOT topic right now, here are my thoughts on why road rage occurs and why we didn't see it during 2 hours of gridlock.
Anger shows up when one or more of these four conditions are present:
- rules are broken
- boundaries are violated
- needs/expectations are unmet
- goal attainment is thwarted
This happens often when we are on the road!
I believe the reason people stayed calm during our multi-hour ordeal was this:
- No-one was violating the rules of the road. Everyone was respectfully staying in place. A few people turned back to try to find a better alternate route, but they did so safely.
- No boundaries were violated. There was no aggressive driving (none of us could move!), and people were being as patient as they could be given the circumstances.
- Our need to get home was not being met, but given that traffic was clearly locked down, our expectation of a very long wait was clearly established. Because we knew and EXPECTED to be sitting in traffic for a while, there was no escalation of angry feelings. We would have only felt anger had our expectations been for a quick commute.
- We knew that one way or another, we were going to make it home. Since we were not in a rush, and the goal was only delayed, not thwarted, we were all good, and happy to be patient.
When people decide their needs, rules, or boundaries are more important than everyone else's, that's when things can go sideways on the road.
It has been my honour and privilege to speak with the media over the several days about the realities of road rage. See the link below to read the Global News article that started it all.
My new book, The Rise of Rage is now available for pre-order at Amazon! Reserve your copy today!
The Rise of Rage by Julie A. Christiansen
Road Rage is Heating Up in Canada - Global News Report, June 28, 2023
Friday, July 07, 2023
How to react to anger emotions
What Is Anger?
Anger: What is it?
Thursday, June 08, 2023
Plan B Sucks! Chris Gardner
Wednesday, June 07, 2023
Get Comfortable with Discomfort Julie Christiansen

Because of unwillingness to change.
Are you willing to give up what's yucky but comfortable so you can have something greater?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the capacity to make right choices that feel good now AND later?
The only way to get there is by adjusting your comfort zone.
You will have to push through making right choices that feel UNCOMFORTABLE. It doesn't feel good now, so you have a bit of short term pain or discomfort.
Saying no to unhealthy foods feels like deprivation.
Quitting smoking is hard.
Working out makes your muscles ache.
Holding your integrity when everyone else is profiting from having none - feels unfair.
Do it anyway.
Push through that period of making right choices that feel bad and give short term pain so that you can get COMFORTABLE with delayed gratification - long term gain.
Eventually, making the right choice will be easy. It won't be uncomfortable anymore because your comfort zone will have shifted.
That's how you create radical, positive, lasting change.
If you haven't already, head over to my website:
#changeyourlife #choices #behaviourmanagement #mentalhealthmatters #psychotherapists #positivepsychology #angersolutions #comfortzone
Thursday, June 01, 2023
Never Negotiate Who You Are - Brene Brown
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Maybe it wasn't meant for you.
Sometimes the things you want so desperately pass you by. Sometimes you get DENIED when what you really want is permission. But never forget that man's rejection is God's protection. Have no fear! Your time is coming.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Anger Myth #3 Anger Should Be Controlled
If anger is an emotion, then it follows that we should be free to express our anger as freely as we express our other basic emotions. No one thinks it odd that humans express their happiness, sadness or fear. Yet the popular belief remains that anger if expressed can only lead to “bad things”. In my seminars I have heard it explained this way, “Anger is dangerous…”, “Anger is sinful…”, “Showing your anger doesn’t help you in the end…” Think about this: unexpressed anger has its repercussions as well. Not expressing anger can hold far more consequences for the angry person in the way of ongoing emotional problems as a result of the unresolved feelings. We also know that unresolved, unexpressed anger can lead to a wide range of physical problems such as ulcers, high blood pressure, migraines, heart disease and stroke, to name only a few.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Stop Being "Judgy"! Anger is Not Bad
Myth No. 2: Anger
is BAD
Well… Yeah!
If anger is behaviour, then of course it is bad -- that goes without
saying. If anger equals hitting,
yelling, screaming, slamming doors, and all the other behaviours we see as
negative, then no wonder we see anger as bad.
The truth is, experiencing the emotion of anger in and of itself is not
“bad”, although the ways we choose to
express anger can sometimes be labelled as “bad” or “unacceptable”.
Monday, May 22, 2023
It's Not True! Anger is not Behavior
Myth 1: Anger is
I know you are likely getting tired of reading
this over and over again, but a wise man said, “Repetition is the mother of
skill”. So hear this again: Anger is NOT
behaviour! Anger is experienced as a
negative emotion, one of the basic four emotions that we as humans experience:
happy, sad, mad, and afraid. We do not do happy, or sad or afraid. Why then should we expect to do anger? We do not use the term, “I’m getting happy!”
on a regular basis, but it is not unusual for one to say, “I’m getting mad at
I have found the myth that anger is behavior to be the most widely believed in our society. It is what I call a “foundational” belief, because almost every other myth that exists about anger rests upon this first one. It is imperative that we go right to the heart of the matter and change this foundational belief. Once this myth is dispelled, the other myths will melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West.
Would you like to know more about anger and how to resolve it safely and appropriately? My book, Anger Solutions: Proven Strategies for Effectively Resolving Anger and Taking Control of Your Emotions remains available for a limited time! Grab your copy before they're all gone.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
How to Survive Hard Times Put One Step In Front of The Other with Tyler Perry
I am a huge Tyler Perry fan, and his story is such an inspiration to me. I remember that day in 2009 when I realized I had been applying for jobs I was underqualified for, and not even one interview had happened. We were under pressure for money, and I was so depressed. I honestly thought about driving my car into the lake and just quietly fading away.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
How to Feel the Love After Trauma - Guest Blogger, Krystal Snider
I am slowly learning now in my early-mid 30’s that there is an entire spectrum of intimacy that exists. I have been married to my partner for 15 years and as I continue to heal from my trauma I continue to learn about just how unsafe I often feel. When my friend Julie Christiansen asked a group of folks to try out their “feel the love” Cards I was super curious and also wanted to support her with this launch. Let me tell you- as a person healing from trauma these cards were really great at helping me identify intimacy on a spectrum. The cards come as a challenge where you can do them once a day, twice a week, once a week really whatever works for you. You take turns with your partner and complete them. Here is what Jaycee and Julie had to say about the cards and an intro to them both:
Feel the Love! Why We Wrote It
Jaycee Ryan - Author, Laws of Attraction Romance Series
Feel the Love came about as part of the story
development for my debut women's fiction series: Laws of Attraction. The series
explores all sorts of relationship issues like infidelity, divorce, childhood
abuse, domestic violence, infertility, and criminal harassment. One of the main
characters of the series writes a book by the same title and then develops the
cards as an add-on for couples. I got thinking… "this is actually a cool
idea!" So, I approached my publisher who is also a Registered
Psychotherapist and she agreed to work on making the cards a real thing. What's
cool about this is that the psychological theories woven through the books are
real, and discovering through the vehicle of fiction makes them easy to learn. Using
the cards may not get you a fairytale ending, but they will certainly help
people achieve deeper levels of intimacy, passion and commitment in their
relationships. There are 30 cards in the package: ten for intimacy, ten for
passion, and ten for commitment. You can choose to do one challenge a day, or
spread it out so that you build on each challenge by drawing out the
anticipation for each one. I write steamy romances about real life, real pain,
and real choices, with a guaranteed happy ever after for my characters. You can
find my books on Amazon, Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble, and Ingram Spark.
Julie Christiansen - Publisher, Leverage U Press and Paper Kite Press
When Jaycee approached me with an idea for
Feel the Love Cards, I immediately jumped on it. William Glasser of Choice
Theory says that every problem is, at its heart, a relationship problem. A set
of cards to prompt action or conversation to enhance deeper relationships
seemed fitting. We're not the first ones to do this. I have several boxes of
card decks in my practice office. These cards were created with the intention
to spark intimacy, ignite passion, and fuel commitment in couples, but many
challenges can be transferred to your particular relationship problem. For
example - do you have trouble trusting your choices? That's an intimacy problem.
Do you often say yes when you should have said no? That's a commitment problem.
You've got to resolve the relationship you have with yourself if you want to
have truly healthy relationships with others. We wrote a short E-book that
explains the triarchic theory of love that Jaycee describes in book one of the
series, Wanting. The E-book shared
some tips on how to be successful in relationships and gives instructions on
ways to use the cards. Our hope is that couples (or people still looking for
love) will find their way to healthier, happier relationships with themselves
and others. That's why we wrote it.
This is my experience with these cards:
What I absolutely love the most about this set is I got to reflect on how I do feel reading these cards. I have an opportunity to consider if this act or challenge is for me? For me, there has been great strides in regaining some of my sexual power by reading the cards and intuitively checking in to see my comfort or understanding around each item on the card. What I absolutely love most about these cards is the way that they center connection. There is very little to do with “having sex” and far more opportunities to reflect and get comfortable connecting.
What I find especially interesting is, after 15 years married, there remains so much that I don’t know about my partner. One example is this card that says “Talk about the qualities that make you want to trust your partner.” When I read this card, it was such a great reminder to me that my partner is safe and helped me to understand WHY he is safe. As someone with complex trauma, feeling safe is often a challenge. I am so grateful to be able to try out these cards. Even though I am not able to act on all of them, reading them and connecting with how each makes me feel has been a really great exercise for me as I continue to heal.
I would encourage anyone who’s interested in adding to their relationship to grab a deck and try them out. Below is a link to purchase them and to get to know more about Julie and all of the incredible things she does.
Feel the Love Challenge Cards - Payhip
Learn more about Krystal Snider and her incredibly valuable work at: Collaborative Community SolutionsEnough is Enough - How to Turn Your Life Around
Monday, May 15, 2023
I'm Back! Time to Level Up the Conversation about Anger and Emotions
It has been a wild and crazy ride. Let me give you the short version of what's happened since I signed with The Seymour Agency in 2021.
I got super busy with my psychotherapy practice. We expanded. Then we expanded again to keep up with demand.
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. I wrote a post about it on social media. Publishers came calling. I inked a book deal with Broadleaf Books.
My practice moved into a larger space. Renovations ensued.
I finished writing I Don't Feel So Good: Emotional Mastery for Teens and Emerging Adults.
I started and finished The Rise of Rage (to be published in 2024 with Broadleaf Books) in 90 days.
One of my best friends told me his cancer was terminal. His last requests were for me to support his wife, mom, and kids through his final days, and to officiate his celebration of life service. He passed away last November. I did as he asked.
That gets me to the end of 2022. Yeah. Exactly.
Enter 2023. Speaking requests started coming in January, and they keep coming. (Fist pump goes here). It's been a rollicking year: Indian Friendship Center in Sault Ste. Marie, Future Black Female Conference, Passion Purpose and Peace Summit, Niagara Leadership Summit for Women, International Women's Day event, Mental Health Conference, 40 Under 40 Awards, and more!
So... forgive me if this blog has been neglected. But it's back now, and I'm going to be sharing my content as well as content of some of the greats in personal development, self-help, and tips/tools to help you master your emotional states and behavioral responses.
As always, my mission remains leveraging people into open communication to achieve radical positive lasting change, so they can live free of anger, tension, and fear.